Perfil de EverQuest 2




Sony Online Entertainment


EverQuest 2 es un MMORPG gratuito de fantasía en el que podemos explorar el vasto reino ficticio de Norrath, 500 años después de los eventos sucedidos en el EverQuest original. En este juego, los jugadores tendrán que forjar su propio camino, enfrentándose a peligrosas criaturas y monstruos, terribles males y conseguir fama y fortuna, para llegar a convertirse en héroes.


  • Un mundo enorme que explorar

  • Una gran variedad de clases

  • Escoge entre un montón de razas distintas

  • Miles de misiones que descubrir y completar

  • Detallado sistema de creación de objetos

  • Montones de contenidos y expansiones, y un trasfondo enorme

  • Completamente gratuito


En el juego los jugadores pueden crear a sus propios personajes, a los que podrán entrenar, equipar, y enseñar profesiones y habilidades. Al explorar el mundo podremos ir completando misiones que te llevarán a territorios llenos de peligros, donde tendrás que derrotar a monstruos, encontrar tesoros, y conseguir experiencia para subir de nivel. Los jugadores pueden jugar tanto en solitario como en grupo, cooperando con otros jugadores para completar desafíos, e incluso tienen la opción de formar un gremio. El juego se centra principalmente en el PvE, pero cuenta con servidores PvP en los que podrás enfrentarte a otros jugadores libremente.


Cuando creamos un personaje podemos escoger entre cuatro roles primarios: Combatientes, Sanadores, Exploradores y Magos, cada uno de ellos con su propio rol dentro de un grupo. Cada rol cuenta con tres o cuatro clases, que pueden ser especializadas.

  • Combatientes: Estos luchadores cuerpo a cuerpo pueden ser Guardianes, con excelentes habilidades defensivas, Berserkers, la personificación de la furia, centrado en hacer todo el daño posible, Paladines, que pueden usar magia divina para potenciar o sanar a sus aliados, o Caballeros Oscuros que usan magia siniestra para robar la esencia vital de sus rivales.

  • Sanadores: Este rol se centra en ayudar y sanar a sus compañeros, pudiendo ser Druidas de la Furia, que personifican las fuerzas primarias de la naturaleza de destrucción y defensa, Guardianes, centrados en usar habilidades regenerativas y de curación de venenos y enfermedades, que además poseen la habilidad de cambiar de aspecto, Templarios, que pueden tanto sanar con sus poderes divinos o pacificar a sus enemigos con sus habilidades o Inquisidor, que puede tanto sanar a sus aliados como hacer mucho daño a aquellos enemigos que los dañen.

  • Exploradores: Este role es ideal para apoyar a sus compañeros; sus clases pueden ser Señores de las Bestias, que pueden usar sus instintos naturales y sus compañeros animales para ayudarles, el Bardo Trovador que puede inspirar y proteger a sus aliados con canciones mágicas, o Asesino, maestro a la hora de sorprender a sus víctimas y debilitarlas con letales venenos.

  • Magos: Estos poderosos lanza hechizos pueden ser desde Hechiceros, capaces de controlar los elementos para conjurar devastadores ataques y Nigromantes, capaces de controlar a los muertos y hacerlos sus servidores y usar la putrefacción contra sus enemigos a Conjuradores capaces de invocar a esbirros elementales que obedecerán sus órdenes.


Hay una gran variedad de razas que podemos escoger, divididas entre alineamientos Bueno, Malvado y Neutral, el cual está determinado por su historia y su filosofía. Estas razas pueden desde las más clásicas como Enanos, Medianos o Altos Elfos, a razas más únicas como los Froglok (ranas humanoides), Sarnak (hombres dragón) o Ratonga (ratas humanoides) entre otras.


  • SO: Win 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista

  • CPU: 2GHz o superior

  • RAM: 2GB

  • Video: Compatible con DirectX 9 y 256MB

  • Sonido: Compatible con DirectX

  • Versión de DirectX: 9.0c


One Comment - "EverQuest 2"

  1. Saba 23/11/2015 a las 02:18 -

    I started MMOs with WoW, so that may have coeorld my experience somewhat. The WoW death penalty became the baseline along which I judged other MMOs. When I started GW, for example, I was annoyed at the performance/morale penalty it applied, but appreciated that I could keep forging on ahead if I needed to, or I could otherwise restart the instance to return to normal. The downside of GW’s penalty is that you can basically zerg the hell out of the instance if you like; if you keep throwing yourself back in to the fight, you will eventually win through stubborness instead of tractics.In EQ2, I didn’t notice much difference from WoW, except for the small fact that having to run back to where you died to return to the action was a bit of a pain. The experience penalty was small, and somewhat less annoying than I might otherwise have thought, largely because the experience gains in game were already very large, and you could also accumulate rest-state experence (or something similar, I forget now).The nicest death penalty yet seems to be in LOTRO, where you get some little temporary wound effect and a bit of equipment damage. Like EQ2, you need to run back if you want, but it definitely seems more subdued than all the other MMOs I’ve tried.The one game which irritates me the most (that I enjoy playing) is DDO: In D&D Online you get penalized three ways: first, you die and if your party wipes or your solo, you can not rez at a waypoint in the dungeon, so you are teleported out to a tavern where you need to spend a couple minutes in recovery (time penalty). Then you suffer experience loss, which really, really annoys me because loss of experience means a bigger time penalty: you lose the time spent earning that experience, then you lose more time spent recovering that experience. Finally, #3: You re-enter the dungeon and the overall value of the adventure drops by 10% per re-entry. Which means your precious time spent in the dungeon just got de-valued. So, as a casual player who solos at least 60% of the time, it means that I feel like I’m treading water in DDO, which is terrible because I love this game’s play and structure more than any other MMO right now. Interestingly, I noticed in the notes on the upcoming January 30th expansion that they are eliminating the death penalty for experience. Probably not the re-entry penalty, I bet, but I can live with that, since the re-entry penalty is to control players exiting the dungeon to reload, as it were. But this little change they are implementing has saved my subscription; I’ve started and cancelled my DDO subscription 4 times since the game was released, and each time was due to increasing frustration at the treadmill the death penalty placed me on. Now, at last, I think they’ll be keeping me if they follow through with the new update.As an old-school paper and pencil gamer (I started with D&D in 1980) the idea of perma-death seems natural .to tabletop gaming. Partly because an organic GM can make decisions about events that a PC game can not, and partly because things move more slowly in person-to-person games, and the overall experience is far different from CRPGS and MMOs. If the purpose of a death penalty is punishment, then it needs to be seriously re-evaluated. If the purpose of the death penalty is to provide challenge (another way of saying encourage you to stay alive to avoid punishment ) then maybe games could make sliding-scale death penalties, or servers designed with specific death penalties an option for players who want them. As I see it, the only really viable function of the death penalty in a game should be to limit the usefulness of the specific character in the situation which caused death; put another way, it’s a very mild way of simulating the fact that the PC should be out of commission in the battle at hand, unless a legitimate means (like rezzing) is ued to bring him back. This creates a mild penalty, one in which the character’s usefulness to that situation is at an end, forcing the rest of the party to carry on until the dead guy can hike on back for a later encounter.In tabletop gaming, death doesn’t happen all that often, but it’s usually permanent, except at high levels of play (when it’s nice to have your character brought back after all the time spent playing it). The penalty for death is making a new character and waiting for your GM to re-introduce you. But in a typical tabletop D&D game, for example, you might have 2-4 fights over the course of an evening’s play. Now, in four hours of online play, you might have 20-40 fights, easily, with twice as many opponents. Mathematically, you are going to die .a lot more often. If a game wants to simulate death more accurately with strong penalties or perma-death, I think it would work better if the rest of the game also simulated reality a little more accurately, with a game system that did not have level-base disparities in play like WoW or EQ2 (or almost all other games on the market) where just wandering over the wrong hill or through the wrong portal could mean instant and inescapable death from unkillable baddies.Just some thoughts .great article, btw!

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